Treatment of bruxism with botulinum injections

Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, can not only damage tooth enamel, but also cause serious health problems. One of the most effective methods for its treatment is botulinum toxin injections. This modern and effective treatment method helps to reduce the tension and force of the jaw muscles, thus stopping the grinding of the teeth. We share what else botulinum toxin injections can be useful for, who they can be performed on, how long the effect lasts, etc.

What are the injections for the treatment of pathologies of the facial area?

Botulinum toxin injections are effectively used not only to reduce facial wrinkles, but also to treat other problems: masticatory muscle hypertrophy (thickening, increase), temporomandibular joint dysfunction (pain when yawning, chewing or biting teeth), bruxism (teeth grinding, which can cause grinding), for strong and long-term teeth grinding, migraine, etc.
It is important to note that not all of these problems can be treated with injections alone, but botulinum injections are an important component of the treatment plan.

What can affect the tension of the masticatory muscles?

Frequent, strong or long-term muscle contraction can be caused not only by an irregular bite, but also by frequent stress and chronic tension. In addition to the factors already listed, the pathology of the joint and surrounding muscles can be caused by anxiety, aggression, sleep disorders, etc.).

Can injections be given to absolutely everyone?

Although they are suitable for most people, they are not recommended for pregnant or nursing women. It is also not recommended to be performed on persons with neuromuscular diseases, who are allergic to botulinum toxin or its components.

When is the effect noticeable and how long does it last?

The effect appears after 2 to 14 days. after injection. It depends on the thickness of the muscles, the anatomy of the face, the amount of action units of the injection, etc. The full effect is noticeable after about 1 month. after the procedure, and may continue for 3-6 months.

Depending on the desired result, it is recommended to repeat the injections after 4-6 months, at least 2-3 times. One of the possible side effects is that some patients notice that it becomes more difficult to chew harder food. But there is nothing to worry about, these phenomena are temporary and disappear in the long run.

Is there any special preparation required for the procedure?

Before any botulinum toxin injection, it is recommended to consult a doctor, who will assess the patient’s condition in detail, draw up a clear treatment plan, and advise how to prepare for the procedure and how to behave after it. It is also not recommended to use anti-inflammatory drugs at least a week before the procedure, at least 12-24 hours. alcoholic beverages should be avoided before and after injections. If you are taking blood thinners or have blood clotting disorders, you should inform your doctor.

What is important to know after the procedure?

At least 4 hours is recommended. after it, do not lie face down on the pillow for at least 24 hours. avoid physical activity, saunas, hot showers, other heating procedures, alcoholic beverages, spicy food.

For the treatment of grinding teeth – botulinum toxin injections or intraoral massage?

The treatment of this problem is systemic. It usually cannot be cured by massage or injections alone. It is necessary to start with stress control, treatment with special graves, combining it with muscle massage. Only then can botulinum injections be planned. Usually, before the injections, it is recommended to perform at least two masticatory muscle massage sessions to relax the masticatory muscles, and only then to apply the botulinum toxin injections.

Is it true or not that facial features can change after an injection?

Yes it is true. If the masticatory muscles are too prominent for the patient and interfere not only functionally, but also aesthetically, injections can eventually reduce the volume of the muscles and thus correct the facial features.

Up to half a year after the injection, the muscle fibers partially atrophy and their volume decreases. After repeating the procedure 2-3 or even 4 times, the fiber partially decays. If the patient then avoids very hard foods, the fibers stop growing. As a result, the features also change.

Of course, in each specific case, this must be discussed with the patient during the consultation with the doctor. This is the only way the specialist will be able to choose the exact doses of botulinum toxin, their places of administration and the frequency of injections.

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